Server Bans

All league disciplinary matters are handled in this section.
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Server Bans

Postby Jon#606 » Fri 24 Jun 2016, 10:44 pm

As of tonight's meeting, I have been forced to issue two permanent bans to two drivers who were competing in the meeting.

Those drivers are #83 Jordan N. (jordan83) and #823 Ellis (ellis82).

Over the past four months that these two have been racing, there have been a significant number of incidents involving them and a number of other drivers. These incidents have sucked the fun out of the league and in some cases caused others to quit it. Despite each driver having received a first ban this season, and my countless attempts to get these drivers to learn and follow the rules, they are still breaking them and do not want to take responsibility for their actions.

These incidents have been so numerous that it is clear decisive action has had to be taken.

Consequently, both Jordan N. and Ellis have been banned from the server and league permanently. Their results up to and including the 24th June meeting will remain but they will be removed from all in-progress points tables, grade lists and championship grids.

It is incredibly sad I have had to do this, and it has been a very long time since one driver let alone two have been permanently banned from a bangers league on LFS. However, with the way meetings have been going recently and their continued indiscipline, I have had no other choice.

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Re: Server Bans

Postby Jon#606 » Fri 23 Dec 2016, 11:35 pm

As of tonight's meeting, I have been forced to issue a permanent ban to a driver who competed in the meeting.

That driver is #779 Luke (luke133).

Over the past season, Luke's attitude has been very poor towards nearly everyone but more importantly towards the league.

While there is nothing wrong with being a wrecker, Luke's approach to meetings has been incredibly odd at times, only attending some meetings to actively target certain drivers and do nothing else, not to bother racing in the slightest and then complaining it's boring or when people complain about him ruining their races. Luke has received numerous warnings and bans in his LFS Bangers career but these have never improved his behaviour nor his approach, which is concerning.

The final straw was tonight when, during a meeting which was always going to have unusual races and cars used, he decided to whine some more about it being boring in the GTR race because it wasn't 2 Litres/Unlims - despite having spectated for the majority of the meeting anyway - at which point I told him to go away for good if he wanted to continue this whinging, to which he replied "run better meetings then". Disrespecting the league is one thing, but to do in the one sole meeting of the season where it was always going to be a laugh and not at all serious is ridiculous.

Luke had already said he was going to quit after this season, but he will no longer be allowed to race in this league nor on its server.

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Re: Server Bans

Postby Jon#606 » Fri 13 Jan 2017, 10:51 pm

Two drivers have received temporary server bans after tonight's Civil War VIII.

Those drivers are Fluffy #167 (unisonzero) and Macca #919 (coley919).

Fluffy has been issued with an eight day ban (expiring 21st January) for a wholly disrespectful attitude towards booking in for meetings and barely racing in them, or in some cases not at all. Tonight was no different as having completed just two races, which lasted 10 minutes, he said he had to leave because his dinner was ready. After being told that booking in for a meeting and barely racing in it was not on, he protested with an excuse of "I didn't know what time my dinner would be ready"; if you are unsure that you can attend a whole meeting, don't book in. Due to this clear immaturity, he will not be allowed to race next week.

Macca has been issued with a 31 day ban (expiring 13th February) for continually ignoring fellow drivers that are trying to help him and then snapping back at them. Tonight saw a typical example: after attempting to upload a skin named "XFG_north.jpg", it turned out someone else had uploaded a black and orange skin with the same name that was being downloaded. After it was repeatedly suggested he change his skin to a plain white skin to fit the meeting, he ignored them and kept going on about how he would have to quit to reload. I then angrily reacted to him because it was clear this was getting incredibly irritating. After he then said he would leave and then did so, I banned him. There was absolutely no need to constantly whine on and just not listen when putting on the plain white skin would have ended the problems.

I hope these two drivers return at some point and that these bans do not affect them negatively.

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Re: Server Bans

Postby Jon#606 » Fri 24 Mar 2017, 10:37 pm

This is quite easily the heaviest ban I have ever had to issue. But in light of what has happened, I have no other choice.

Aaron Brown, racing under #70, joined the league in March 2016 under the LFS username aaron380. Introduced to the game by his cousin Luke #779, Aaron had a reasonable first season, winning 4 DDs and was a near ever-present in the league, only missing a few meetings. Aaron was well behaved and respected despite his association with the notorious #779 and his Predators team.

However, shortly after Luke received a permanent ban at the end of last season, there was a change in Aaron's behaviour. He started acting like his cousin, trying to get into arguments and beginning to annoy others. Another thing that became noticeable was Luke was receiving replays from Aaron displaying rule breaks on his cousin incredibly quickly and passing them on to myself.

Following tonight's meeting, where the topic was raised again and Aaron denied being Luke, I checked the user list as I remembered Luke saying Aaron could no longer use the forum following the domain expiry that occurred earlier this month. What I discovered was barely believable.


As the above image indicates, Aaron and Luke's IP addresses upon registering with this forum are identical, right down to the last digit.

"Aaron Brown" never existed. Aaron was invented by Luke, and Luke continued to use Aaron's identity even after he was permanently banned.

To say I'm shellshocked by this is a massive understatement, and it has honestly worried me that someone would go to these lengths to play a game: Luke fabricated an identity and used it for over a year. After asking Luke why he did this, the reasons given were that he was fed up of being lossied all the time and having nothing done about it, and that he has nothing to do on Friday nights. Given what's just happened, he'll have to find something better to do now.

What makes this even sadder is that had Luke played under his own name with the same attitude and approach "Aaron" had, he wouldn't have been perm banned in the first place.

As a result of the above, Luke's two identities have been permanently banned from both the server and the forum. Aaron's 2017 results have been frozen and he has been removed from tonight's Unlimited Round 2 meeting. Luke has also been told to stay away from everything LFS Bangers related for good.

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Re: Server Bans

Postby Jon#606 » Fri 08 Jun 2018, 5:37 pm

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