The final meeting of the 2018 LFS Bangers season was the Christmas Fun meet, which I asked Brett to run for a change. He had some very good ideas and hopefully some of them COULD be included in next season's calendar!
Despite only six registered drivers being in attendance, with it being an open server, this meant that racers were free to come and go as they please. Two who had a good time were Portuguese driver 538 Luciano and Spaniard Kevin, although another who decided to join messed about and was banned as a result.
Congratulations to all the winners of tonight's races, and also to everyone who raced in the league this season: we would not have been able to provide such enjoyment every Friday night without it.
All FXO at Taunton: Luciano, Jam, Looney, Sam M., Jon
UF1 at FNBangers Oval: Jam, Sam M., Looney, Brett, Jon
All Cars at Fern Bay Rallycross Green: Jam (no other finishers)
All RAC at Autocross Skidpad: Brett, Sam M., Jam, Jon, Looney
MRT Skidpad Figure 8: Jam (no other finishers)
All Cars at Skidpad FIgure 8: Brett, Jam
Skidpad Sumo 1: Brett
Skidpad Sumo 2: Jam
All Cars at Ringwood: Jam, Brett, Sam M.
MRT at Autocross Criss Cross: Jam, Brett
Westhill Double 8 Ramp Race: Brett, Sam M.
Autocross Skidpad DD: Ellis
Christmas Fun Meet 2018 Results
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