2017 Figure 8 Results & Points

The tenth and third complete season under the running of Jon#606.
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2017 Figure 8 Results & Points

Postby Jon#606 » Fri 07 Apr 2017, 11:05 pm

Round 1
Just eight drivers turned up for the first race of the Figure 8 series from the revamped Blackwood Car Park Figure 8 layout (many thanks to Jam for doing this for the league). Despite the single-digit number of drivers, there was lots of great crashing and racing action taken in great spirit.

Cap took the meeting by just five points with two heats, the final and an allcomers. Jam was runner-up having won two heats and an allcomers, with Rik three points back in third having claimed three heats and second in the final. Michal rounded out the top 4 with a heat win of his own, while Jon picked up a rare Allcomers win and Splat came out on top in the DD.

Top 10 scored points in the heats and the top 5 scored points in the final. Allcomers were non-points. 5 points went to the winner of the DD.

Heat 1: Rik, Michal, Jam, Cap, Jon, Splat, Looney
Heat 2: Cap, Rik, Jam, Michal, Looney, Splat
Heat 3: Michal, Rik, Cap, Jam, Looney, Jon, Splat
Heat 4: Rik, Cap, Jon, Michal, Miniman, Looney, Jam, Splat
Heat 5: Jam, Michal, Splat, Looney, Jon
Heat 6: Jam, Cap, Jon, Michal, Looney, Splat
Heat 7: Rik, Jam, Cap, Jon, Michal, Looney
Heat 8: Cap, Rik, Jam, Jon, Michal, Splat, Looney

Final: Cap, Rik, Jam, Michal, Looney, Jon, Splat

Allcomers 1: Jon, Cap
Allcomers 2: Jam, Jon, Cap, Looney, Splat
Allcomers 3: Cap, Jam

DD: Splat

1st: Cap - 81 points
2nd: Jam - 76 points
3rd: Rik - 73 points
4th: Michal - 69 points
5th=: Jon, Looney - 47 points
7th: Splat - 40 points
8th: Miniman - 6 points

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Re: 2017 Figure 8 Results & Points

Postby Jon#606 » Fri 02 Jun 2017, 11:12 pm

Round 2
Once again eight drivers attended the second race of the Figure 8 series from Yarmouth. As with all meetings in recent months due to the noted drop in numbers, it was still an enjoyable evening; the kerbs on the inside of the Yarmouth infield did their usual damage of flipping people who got twoo close to them.

Rik was the winner of the meeting by just TWO POINTS as he triumphed over Cap. The Dutchman won 4 heats - 3 of them in succession - the final AND the DD, with #27 rolling himself in the latter! :lol: Including his runners-up spot in the DD Cap had a remarkable EIGHT second place finishes and also claimed both Allcomers races. The other three heats were shared between the other three that made up the top five, with Michal, Jam and Hector all claiming wins.

Top 10 scored points in the heats and the top 5 scored points in the final. Allcomers were non-points. 5 points went to the winner of the DD.

Heat 1: Michal, Jam, Cap, Rik, Hector, Colin, Jon, Splat
Heat 2: Rik, Cap, Hector, Jam, Jon, Colin
Heat 3: Rik, Cap, Jam, Michal, Colin, Jon, Splat
Heat 4: Rik, Hector, Cap, Jam, Michal, Splat
Heat 5: Jam, Cap, Colin, Michal, Hector
Heat 6: Hector, Cap, Rik, Jam, Michal, Jon
Heat 7: Jam, Cap, Rik, Colin, Splat, Michal
Heat 8: Rik, Cap, Jam, Colin, Hector, Jon, Michal, Splat

Final: Rik, Cap, Jon, Michal, Colin

Allcomers 1: Cap, Jam
Allcomers 2: Cap, Rik, Jon, Splat

DD: Rik

1st: Rik - 88 points
2nd: Cap - 86 points
3rd: Jam - 66 points
4th: Michal - 53 points
5th: Hector - 45 points
6th: Colin - 42 points
7th: Jon - 37 points
8th: Splat - 21 points

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Re: 2017 Figure 8 Results & Points

Postby Jon#606 » Fri 01 Sep 2017, 11:42 pm

Round 3
For the first time in quite a while, driver numbers were in the double digits as 11 drivers attended the final round of the Figure 8 series at Swaffham before its world final next month. We had another league debutant in 661 Cornholio, a friend of Looney. 167 Fluffy, 212 Bokito and 380 Pennywise made welcome returns after various amounts of time away. The Figure 8 setup resulted in one of the best meetings for a long time, and the Figure 8 ramp allcomers (three of them using the MRT stoxkarts) were absolutely hilarious. :lol: More of this attitude in meetings, please.

The only negative was a server crash right at the end of heat 7, which was rectified immediately. According to the game itself, only the top 3 were recorded as finished; in the object of fairness, the remaining places have been determined by the drivers' positions at the point of the server crash.

Cap claimed the meeting with an impressive spell of finishing: despite only claiming two heats, the 2 Litre Points Champion finished in the top 3 of every points race to score 88 points. Jam - winner of two heats himself - was the only other driver to score in each of the first 9 races but didn't have the consistency Cap had and ended up second. Colin claimed a surprise final win to finish third while Rik won three heats but very little else to end up fourth. Looney won a heat and the last Allcomers but was more focused on crashing, while Fluffy had a streak of three Allcomers wins and only just lost out to Splat in the DD.

Top 10 scored points in the heats and the top 5 scored points in the final. Allcomers were non-points. 5 points went to the winner of the DD.

Heat 1: Rik, Cap, Jon, Fluffy, Pennywise, Jam, Cornholio
Heat 2: Rik, Cap, Fluffy, Colin, Bokito, Jon, Cornholio, Jam, Looney
Heat 3: Looney, Jam, Cap, Jon, Fluffy, Colin, Bokito
Heat 4: Cap, Jam, Looney, Bokito, Pennywise, Jon, Colin, Fluffy, Rik, Splat
Heat 5: Jam, Cap, Bokito, Fluffy, Pennywise, Jon, Splat
Heat 6: Rik, Jam, Cap, Cornholio, Bokito, Jon, Colin, Splat
Heat 7: Cap, Rik, Pennywise, Colin, Cornholio, Looney, Bokito, Jon, Splat, Fluffy
Heat 8: Jam, Cap, Rik, Colin, Looney, Jon, Fluffy, Splat

Final: Colin, Cap, Jam, Jon, Pennywise, Fluffy, Looney, Bokito, Splat

Allcomers 1 (Figure 8 Ramp): Fluffy, Cornholio, Cap, Looney, Jon, Rik, Jam
Allcomers 2 (Stoxkarts Ramp 1): Fluffy, Jam, Jon
Allcomers 3 (Stoxkarts Ramp 2): Fluffy, Pennywise
Allcomers 4 (Stoxkarts Ramp 3): Looney, Cap, Fluffy, Pennywise, Jam

DD: Splat

1st: Cap - 88 points
2nd: Jam - 70 points
3rd: Colin - 54 points
4th: Rik - 49 points
5th: Jon - 48 points
6th: Fluffy - 36 points
7th: Bokito - 35 points
8th: Looney - 31 points
9th: Pennywise - 30 points
10th: Cornholio - 21 points
11th: Splat - 18 points

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