Only seven drivers attended Arena Essex for the ninth (and sadly last

Jam had the most wins on the night with 3 of the 4 Ultimate Unlims heats and the Robins final. Shane was the only other winner on the evening, taking the second heat for the Robins and the big Firecracker final.
All races were non-points. Congratulations to all the winners. The DDs were cancelled due to a lack of numbers.
Ultimate Unlims Heat 1: Jam, Drakey, Miniman, Looney
Ultimate Unlims Heat 2: Jam (no other finishers)
Robins Heat 1: No finishers
Ultimate Unlims Heat 3: Jam, Shane, Drakey, Looney
Ultimate Unlims Heat 4: No finishers
Robins Heat 2: Shane, Jam
Robins Final: Jam (no other finishers)
Ultimate Unlims Final: Shane, Looney